Domain generalization (DG) aims to train a model to perform well in unseen domains under different distributions. This paper considers a more realistic yet more challenging scenario,namely Single Domain Generalization (Single-DG), where only a single source domain is available for training. To tackle this challenge, we first try to understand when neural networks fail to generalize? We empirically ascertain a property of a model that correlates strongly with its generalization that we coin as "model sensitivity". Based on our analysis, we propose a novel strategy of Spectral Adversarial Data Augmentation (SADA) to generate augmented images targeted at the highly sensitive frequencies. Models trained with these hard-to-learn samples can effectively suppress the sensitivity in the frequency space, which leads to improved generalization performance. Extensive experiments on multiple public datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach, which surpasses the state-of-the-art single-DG methods.
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近年来,人们对可解释的AI(XAI)领域的兴趣激增,文献中提出了很多算法。但是,关于如何评估XAI的共识缺乏共识阻碍了该领域的发展。我们强调说,XAI并不是一组整体技术 - 研究人员和从业人员已经开始利用XAI算法来构建服务于不同使用环境的XAI系统,例如模型调试和决策支持。然而,对XAI的算法研究通常不会考虑到这些多样化的下游使用环境,从而对实际用户产生有限的有效性甚至意想不到的后果,以及从业者做出技术选择的困难。我们认为,缩小差距的一种方法是开发评估方法,这些方法在这些用法上下文中说明了不同的用户需求。为了实现这一目标,我们通过考虑XAI评估标准对XAI的原型用法上下文的相对重要性,介绍了情境化XAI评估的观点。为了探索XAI评估标准的上下文依赖性,我们进行了两项调查研究,一项与XAI主题专家,另一项与人群工人进行。我们的结果敦促通过使用使用的评估实践进行负责任的AI研究,并在不同使用环境中对XAI的用户需求有细微的了解。
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Many works in explainable AI have focused on explaining black-box classification models. Explaining deep reinforcement learning (RL) policies in a manner that could be understood by domain users has received much less attention. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective to understanding RL policies based on identifying important states from automatically learned meta-states. The key conceptual difference between our approach and many previous ones is that we form meta-states based on locality governed by the expert policy dynamics rather than based on similarity of actions, and that we do not assume any particular knowledge of the underlying topology of the state space. Theoretically, we show that our algorithm to find meta-states converges and the objective that selects important states from each meta-state is submodular leading to efficient high quality greedy selection. Experiments on four domains (four rooms, door-key, minipacman, and pong) and a carefully conducted user study illustrate that our perspective leads to better understanding of the policy. We conjecture that this is a result of our meta-states being more intuitive in that the corresponding important states are strong indicators of tractable intermediate goals that are easier for humans to interpret and follow.
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在过去几年中,知识转移从复杂的高性能模型转移到更简单且潜在的低性能以提高其性能,这引起了人们的极大兴趣从小数据中构建和学习。该问题的已知方法(即知识蒸馏,模型压缩,profewight等)通常通过修改目标或重量训练的方案直接将信息(即单个/单跳)从复杂模型转移到所选的简单模型训练简单模型的示例。在本文中,我们通过动态选择和/或构建一系列降低复杂性的中间模型的序列,在其中将信息从复杂模型传输到简单模型,而比原始复杂模型不那么复杂。我们的方法可以使用前面提到的任何方法以及以1-HOP方式进行序列的连续模型之间传输信息,从而推广这些方法。在实际数据的实验中,我们观察到,对于1跳上的模型选择,我们将获得一致的收益,该模型平均超过2 \%,在特定情况下最多达到8 \%。我们还经验分析了多跳方法可能对传统的1跳方法有益的条件,并报告其他有趣的见解。据我们所知,这是第一份提出这种多跳的方法来执行知识转移的工作,鉴于我们认为这是一个重要的方法论贡献,这是一个高表现的复杂模型。
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In this paper we propose a novel method that provides contrastive explanations justifying the classification of an input by a black box classifier such as a deep neural network. Given an input we find what should be minimally and sufficiently present (viz. important object pixels in an image) to justify its classification and analogously what should be minimally and necessarily absent (viz. certain background pixels). We argue that such explanations are natural for humans and are used commonly in domains such as health care and criminology. What is minimally but critically absent is an important part of an explanation, which to the best of our knowledge, has not been explicitly identified by current explanation methods that explain predictions of neural networks. We validate our approach on three real datasets obtained from diverse domains; namely, a handwritten digits dataset MNIST, a large procurement fraud dataset and a brain activity strength dataset. In all three cases, we witness the power of our approach in generating precise explanations that are also easy for human experts to understand and evaluate.
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Most cross-domain unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection (VAD) works assume that at least few task-relevant target domain training data are available for adaptation from the source to the target domain. However, this requires laborious model-tuning by the end-user who may prefer to have a system that works ``out-of-the-box." To address such practical scenarios, we identify a novel target domain (inference-time) VAD task where no target domain training data are available. To this end, we propose a new `Zero-shot Cross-domain Video Anomaly Detection (zxvad)' framework that includes a future-frame prediction generative model setup. Different from prior future-frame prediction models, our model uses a novel Normalcy Classifier module to learn the features of normal event videos by learning how such features are different ``relatively" to features in pseudo-abnormal examples. A novel Untrained Convolutional Neural Network based Anomaly Synthesis module crafts these pseudo-abnormal examples by adding foreign objects in normal video frames with no extra training cost. With our novel relative normalcy feature learning strategy, zxvad generalizes and learns to distinguish between normal and abnormal frames in a new target domain without adaptation during inference. Through evaluations on common datasets, we show that zxvad outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA), regardless of whether task-relevant (i.e., VAD) source training data are available or not. Lastly, zxvad also beats the SOTA methods in inference-time efficiency metrics including the model size, total parameters, GPU energy consumption, and GMACs.
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Transformer layers, which use an alternating pattern of multi-head attention and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers, provide an effective tool for a variety of machine learning problems. As the transformer layers use residual connections to avoid the problem of vanishing gradients, they can be viewed as the numerical integration of a differential equation. In this extended abstract, we build upon this connection and propose a modification of the internal architecture of a transformer layer. The proposed model places the multi-head attention sublayer and the MLP sublayer parallel to each other. Our experiments show that this simple modification improves the performance of transformer networks in multiple tasks. Moreover, for the image classification task, we show that using neural ODE solvers with a sophisticated integration scheme further improves performance.
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